About us

“Work is love made visible”
Khalil Gibran – The Prophet


Born in Finland and living both in the Netherlands and Finland with my husband Vincent.
I been on a quest of self study for the past 20 years. Beginning with yoga, meditation, body works and Psychosynthesis which all also came my work.

For me Psychosynthesis created awareness of what is really needed for embracing wholeness and what it is to be living a fulfilled life of meaning.
It has showed me ways to really to come home and to live more and more from deep within.
Beside the passion for the work I’m offering, I love spending time with family, love nature, being connected, simple living and pretty much anything that touches my soul (music, beauty, a smile..).


  • Psychosynthesis Life Coach (PLC),
  • Trager® therapist (somatic body mind integration),
  • Yoga teacher (RYT),
  • Master in Business (major in Marketing management and minor in Education) 
  • In a Psychosynthesis facilitator training

Languages: English and Finnish

Coaching / Facilitating fields of interest:

  • Consciousness/mindfulness as a home base for self discovery
  • Conscious relationship dynamics (couples) – coaching and group work together with my husband, Vincent
  • Purpose and meaning coaching
  • Somatic approach (Trager®)
  • Psychosynthesis for groups, and some places for one-on-one work

A favorite quotation: 

“The stunning paradox of human spiritual maturity is that, as we become one with Life, we also at the same time become completely and uniquely ourselves.”    

-Thomas Yeomans, Ph.D.


Life is precious in every aspect and it is easy to let it slip by without even noticing. Allowing life to be lived in consciousness, calls for self-awareness, observing inner and outer experience, (re)connecting with purpose.  I feel drawn to exploring the boundaries of human potential. My orientation in coaching is a psychosynthesis approach. Feet firmly on the ground, head up to the sky. I am available for one-on-one exploration (e.g. coaching), and facilitate groupwork together with Kristiina.


  • Psychosynthesis Life Coach (PLC)
  • Bachelor of Science Hydrography, Grade FIG/IHO Cat. A
  • Post Bachelor business school
  • Yin yoga and meditation teacher
  • Kyokushin Karate, 1st dan
  • In a Psychosynthesis facilitator training

Language: English and Dutch

Coaching / Facilitating fields of interest:

  • Conscious relationships (couples)
  • Individual and collective (systems)
  • Survival and Purpose (meaning)

Favourite quote:

“The only good system is a sound system.”



Born in Finland and living both in the Netherlands and Finland with my husband Vincent.
I been on a quest of self study for the past 20 years. Beginning with yoga, meditation, body works and Psychosynthesis which all also came my work.

For me Psychosynthesis created awareness of what is really needed for embracing wholeness and what it is to be living a fulfilled life of meaning.
It has showed me ways to really to come home and to live more and more from deep within.
Beside the passion for the work I’m offering, I love spending time with family, love nature, being connected, simple living and pretty much anything that touches my soul (music, beauty, a smile..).

Life is precious in every aspect and it is easy to let it slip by without even noticing. Allowing life to be lived in consciousness, calls for self-awareness, observing inner and outer experience, (re)connecting with purpose.  I feel drawn to exploring the boundaries of human potential. My orientation in coaching is a psychosynthesis approach. Feet firmly on the ground, head up to the sky. I am available for one-on-one exploration (e.g. coaching), and facilitate groupwork together with Kristiina.



  • Psychosynthesis Life Coach (PLC),
  • Trager® therapist (somatic body mind integration),
  • Yoga teacher (RYT),
  • Master in Business (major in Marketing management and minor in Education) 
  • In a Psychosynthesis facilitator training
  • Psychosynthesis Life Coach (PLC)
  • Bachelor of Science Hydrography, Grade FIG/IHO Cat. A
  • Post Bachelor business school
  • Yin yoga and meditation teacher
  • Kyokushin Karate, 1st dan
  • In a Psychosynthesis facilitator training

Languages: English and Finnish

Language: English and Dutch

Coaching / Facilitating fields of interest:

Coaching / Facilitating fields of interest:

  • Consciousness/mindfulness as a home base for self discovery
  • Conscious relationship dynamics (couples) – coaching and group work together with my husband, Vincent
  • Purpose and meaning coaching
  • Somatic approach (Trager®)
  • Psychosynthesis for groups, and some places for one-on-one work
  • Conscious relationships (couples)
  • Individual and collective (systems)
  • Survival and Purpose (meaning)

A favorite quotation: 

“The stunning paradox of human spiritual maturity is that, as we become one with Life, we also at the same time become completely and uniquely ourselves.”    -Thomas Yeomans, Ph.D.

Favourite quote:

“The only good system is a sound system.”

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